
What is the NormaTec?

The NormaTec is one of our favorite tools at Premier Performance. This tool is used to flush edema and massage the legs, hips, and arms. We use it after treatment to help pump out adhesions, swelling, and scar tissue. This machine also decreases lactic acid buildup which aids the body in recovery.

From a hard workout to swelling due to an injury, the NormaTec is a valuable tool to help in recovery. Please see https://www.normatecrecovery.com/ for more information.

At Premier Performance Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine, we have attachments for the hip, legs, and arms.


Dynamic Compression Enhances Pressure-to- Pain Threshold in Elite Athlete Recovery
Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 2015 May; 29(5):1263-72

“The purpose of this study was to assess peristaltic pulse dynamic compression (PPDC) in reducing short-term pressure-to- pain threshold (PPT) among Olympic Training Center athletes after morning training. […] We conclude that PPDC is a promising means of accelerating and enhancing recovery after the normal aggressive training that occurs in Olympic and aspiring Olympic athletes.” View article

Peristaltic Pulse Compression Upregulates PGC1A and ENOS in Human Muscle
Tissue Experimental Physiology 2015 May 15

“We investigated whether a single 60 min bout of whole-leg, lower pressure external pneumatic compression (EPC) altered select vascular, metabolic, antioxidant and inflammation-related mRNAs. […] An acute bout of EPC transiently upregulates PGC-1α mRNA, while also upregulating eNOS protein and NOx concentrations in vastus lateralis biopsy samples.” View article